République Française Inserm
Institut thématique Immunologie, inflammation, infectiologie et microbiologie

Symposium virtuel - Malaria in the Era of COVID-19

ISGlobal (Spain), Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health (USA) et l'OMS organisent un symposium virtuel : 


Virtual Keystone Symposia

"Malaria in the Era of covid-19"

16-17 mars 2021


Voici le programme de la webconférence.

L'inscription est payante sur le site dédié au symposium (150 $USD).

A noter : l'inscription est gratuite pour les chercheurs et les étudiants issus des pays à faible et moyen revenu.


Meeting objectives : 

How can we tackle the global threat of COVID-19 without neglecting the fight against malaria?

This Keystone e-Symposium will shed light on how to effectively combat the dual challenges of a malaria-endemic world, along-side new complications posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. We must tackle these global health challenges together, as a united community, so as not to lose ground against either of these formidable diseases.

Presenters will share recent progress and innovation in malaria research, from targeted public health interventions to new applications of decision-making science in global health. The program will also stimulate debate on how the malaria community is navigating shifting boundaries in open access publishing, data sharing, and competing priorities for research funding.

Looking to future challenges and future generations of malaria research, participants will discuss the dynamic nature of a career in the malaria field with experts from diverse career paths, from leading research in endemic countries, to forging start-up enterprises, to guiding global level policy making. In addition, we will address how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted those in early stages of their careers, and strategies to overcome these new hurdles to achieve your career goals.